Today we are celebrating Mrs. Marcella Fisher, principal of Opelousas Middle School. #NationalPrincipalsMonth

In loving support of our breast cancer survivors...Celebrating Mrs. Denise Oliney-Rose, our District 5 Board Member. #slpbreastcancersurvivor #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth2020

Studentâs in Mrs. Hebertâs Child Development class @BeauChene enjoyed learning how to teach young children various concepts using shaving cream. Students truly enjoyed this activity!
Pictured: Cloe, Presliey, Jaslyn, & Isabelle

In loving support of our breast cancer survivors...Celebrating Mrs. Bonnie Ventress today. #slpbreastcancersurvivor #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth2020

Today we are celebrating Mr. Mitchell Fontenot, principal of Eunice High School. #NationalPrincipalsMonth

In loving support of our breast cancer survivors...Celebrating Mrs. Dena Fisette today. #slpbreastcancersurvivor #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth2020

Lawtell Head Start Early Learning Center Staff, Annette Charles, Family Advocate, is participating in a community assessment presented by @ULLafayette Childhood Dept.
Thank you, UL for supporting our community!

Around Campus- Washington Elementary students are excited about being back at school! #slpBuildingBridgesBeyondBoundaries

October is National Principal's Month. We will start the recognitions off with St. Landry Parish School Board's most seasoned principal, Mr. Ulysse Joubert. #slpBuildingBridgesBeyondBoundaries

Teachers, did you need extra support with using Google Meet to connect with students? If so, you are in luck! I've put together a few videos that may help you along the way. http://www.slpsb.org/apps/pages/using_meet_for_distance_learning